Mahatma Gandhi was born on which date?
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Where was Mahatma Gandhi born?
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What was Mahatma Gandhi's full name?
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Who gave the title 'Mahatma' to Gandhi?
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Mahatma Gandhi is known for which method of protest?
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Mahatma Gandhi first experimented with non-violence in which country?
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What was the name of the movement led by Gandhi against British salt taxes?
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In which year did the Salt March begin?
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What is the name of the autobiography written by Gandhi?
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Which principle was central to Gandhi's philosophy?
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Gandhi's first major struggle in India was associated with which place?
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In which year was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?
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Who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi?
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Where was Gandhi when he was assassinated?
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What was Gandhi's profession before he became a political leader?
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