Value of money and supply of money are related
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If the quantity of money increases 100%, other things remaining constant, value of money changes by
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Paper money is called fiat money because
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Value of money means
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Under normal circumstances, the velocity of circulation of money in a country is
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According to Keynes, motives for holding money are
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In the equation = ,
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The most important feature of money is
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The technique of production in which the amount of capital used per unit of labour is larger than that of labour is known as
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Legal money is called so because
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Assuming that 3 units of capital are required to produce 1 unit of output, then capitaloutput ratio would be
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Who officially determines whether the economy is in recession or expansion?
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In which way recessions affect the real level ofGDP?
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What is Currency Deposit Ratio (CDR)?
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The quantity theory of money was restated by
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