Exchange rate depreciation reduces
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When a uniform rate of duty is imposed on all similar commodities irrespective of the country from which they are imported, it is called
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The difference in price ratios of two commodities in the two trading countries is
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The physical limitation of quantities of different products to be imported from foreign countries within a specified period of time is called
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The difference in the domestic cost ratios of producing two commodities in two countries is known as
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A tax or duty levied on goods when it enters or leave the national boundary of a country is called
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In balance of payments account, all goods exported and imported are recorded in
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A tariff or import duty which are a combination of the ad valorem and specific duty
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The quota system in which domestic producers of a quota fixing country are required to make use of both domestic raw materials and a specified proportion of imported raw materials to produce a product
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In case of Mill s theory, where country A produces good X and country B produces good Y, if country A s demand for product Y increases, then country A s offer curve will
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A quota system which allows a certain specified quantity of a commodity to be imported duty free or at a low rate of import duty is
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When government levies import duties which varies with prices of commodities imported , it is called
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The top two countries that remain the top sources of FDI to India during 2017-19 are
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The ratio between the quantities of a country s imports to its exports is known as
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The fundamental reason why different countries involve in transactions with one another is the
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