How does Umberto Eco find so much time to write so much?
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What is the reason for huge success of the novel The Name of The Rose?
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What did he present in this book?
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What does Naipaul present in his travel books?
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Who is the author of the lesson The Interview ?
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What kind of a novel was The Name of The Rose?
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Who has written Alice in Wonderland?
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In what way interviews have become a common place of journalism?
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Why does Eco call the success of his book a mystery?
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According to Umberto what will happen to the world if we eliminate empty spaces from the universe?
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How many novels has Umberto written?
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What facts are being showcased in the interview held between Eco and Padamanabhan?
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What do Rudyard Kipling and his wife express about interviews?
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What do his works for children speak about ?
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Explain Denis Brain s statement Almost everything of moment reaches us through one man asking questions of others.
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