Whom did NASA appoint to head its new Moon to Mars Program Office?
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What is the name given to the phenomenon whereby certain materials, such as quartz crystal, generate an electric current when subjected to mechanical stress?
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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a loan program worth $15.6 billion for which country as part of a larger $115 billion package to aid its war-torn economy?
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In which city is the Unity Cup Cricket Tournament 2023 organized jointly by HUDCO and NBCC being held?
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Which country has become the 31st member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
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On which date is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?
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In which country did scientists discover evidence of a previously unknown ancient marsupial called Mukupirna fortidentata?
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From which state did Bodofa Upendranath Brahma, a prominent Bodo social activist, belong?
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Who climbed to the top of the list of the world's richest, with a net worth of $187 billion?
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The World Bank's Executive Board of Directors has approved a $108 million loan for which state to improve disaster preparedness and enhance flood forecasting?
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In which country is Nevado del Ruiz, a stratovolcano located in the central part?
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Which state has received a $363 million loan from the World Bank to provide clean drinking water to two million rural households?
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In which city is Rani Kamalapati Railway Station, which was in the news recently, located?
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Which state signed an MoU with UNEP to implement an urban cooling program in the state?
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To which state has the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank approved a $100 million loan?
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